Logo development for Don Catchment Rivers Trust (DCRT)
In 2016 I was commissioned to redesign the logo and Corporate Identity for Don Catchment Rivers Trust (DCRT).
I have worked with DCRT for many years and previously created the logo and brand style for “The Living Heritage of The River Don”project. Upon completion of the logo stage for this project it became evident that the existing organisational logo was no longer suitable for purpose. It was “dated”, looked similar to another organisations’ logo and had limited scope for use. These factors, coupled with the additional marketing activity connected with the LHRD project, determined the requirement for a new logo design.
The brief was to design a professional logo to work across all possible applications. One key requirement was that the new logo retain a clear visual link to the previous logo. It also has to be designed so as to reproduce accurately and consistently in all formats and applications. These include; literature, clothing, banner stands and signage, vehicle livery, website and other branded items.
Having worked with DCRT for a number of years I have an understanding of the organisation, its aims and ethos. However, as with every logo I design, my first step was to research the ‘market’ to ensure the designs I create fulfill the brief, looked great and accurately position our client.
I submitted 3 options for the logo which fulfilled the brief and, after internal discussion, a choice was made. Upon approved I created digital artwork of all logo options in vector format to work on all requirements. The new logo and brand style has now “rolled out” across:
- Stationery
- leaflets
- website
- vehicle livery
- signage
- banner stands
- clothing and more