Graphic design of Back from the Brink independent evaluation report.
In early 2022 I was commissioned by Heritage Insider to design a 36 page evaluation report for Back from the Brink.
About Back from the Brink
Back from the Brink (BftB) was established as a sector partnership to turn the tide for our most threatened species and inspire the nation to help care for England’s most vulnerable wildlife.
This aspirational programme was developed and led by Natural England and Rethink Nature (a partnership of seven species conservation charities: Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust; Bat Conservation Trust; Buglife; Bumblebee Conservation Trust; Butterfly Conservation; Plantlife and the RSPB).
A team of experts and specialists, volunteers, land owners and communities collaborated across England in five special landscapes, two habitats nationally at risk and twelve projects each focussing on one threatened species.
Design consideration
BftB have a strong, recognisable and well established brand style. This evaluation report is designed in line with their brand guidance and draws upon a wealth of engaging photographs, illustrations and graphics to illustrate the many amazing achievements.